Tuesday, 27 October 2015


True love never dies
It endures all things
It is not self centered
It is ready to learn
It is submissive
It is not proud
It is not jealous
It is not impatient
It is quiet
It yields
It endures
It does not crave for riches
It does not crave for wealth
It is contented
It’s always comfortable
It does not fight for right
It admits all wrong
Ready to make positive impart
It is pure
It never lies
Always bold

Monday, 19 October 2015


Can two walk together, except they be agreed?  Amos 3:3

Man is not designed to work and succeed in isolation. Agreement plays a foundational, fundamental and functional role in the innovative and creative enterprise of human service on earth. There can be no successful marriage between a man and a woman without agreement; no business transaction takes place without agreement; no partnership of any kind in any association without agreement. What makes room for passengers to travel in the same vehicle is the power of agreement.

Agreeing with God means saying the same thing God’s word says about a given situation in your life. Agreeing with God means accepting that you have what God says you have. Agreeing with God means accepting that you can do what God’s word says you can do. Agreeing with God means accepting that you are what God’s word says you are.



The cross of Jesus is the center of our faith, life and message; remove the cross and man remain cursed. This means without a genuine encounter with the cross, man continues in ruin.

Man in his cursed nature is powerless to help himself. However, God in His love and mercy took the stage by Christ to intervene and the Cross is God’s cure for curse with all its power and strength operating in man.